The local relay

The local relay

The Local Relay is a volunteer who acts as the information conduit and coordinates the visit of the team of investigators in their wine region.

The component of the project based on social and human sciences involves a team of investigators visiting local groups that form in different French wine regions to conduct workshops and individual interviews with them. These groups are locally facilitated by the Local Relay. The Local Relay is a volunteer who acts as the information conduit and coordinates the visit of the team of investigators in their wine region.

Their responsibilities include:

  • They assemble a group of about twenty people from their own networks and those of the project team.
  • They prepare the organization and logistics on-site for the workshop of their group.
  • They propose time slots to the investigators from the project team for individual interviews with the winegrowers in their group.
  • In collaboration with the project team, they keep their group informed about the project's progress.

The Local Relay Kit provides the volunteer with the necessary initial tools to facilitate their group. They are also encouraged to reach out to the project team for any questions or to communicate any needs.

Local Relay kit